Student Life

ISN is a very unique institution, which aims to provide information about higher education and connect students from all over the world in Prague, Czech Republic.
There is no study without fun.
We all know that the most important part in university is socializing with your classmates and your friends. We, as International Student Network, have created lots of activities, which will keep you busy in between your studies. We travel together, we party together, we play games together ... We are one big international family!
Activities within Czech Republic
Activities outside Czech Republic
What we do
We provide up-to-date information about each university program and its requirements.
We help to gather all the necessary documents and check them twice before your visa appointment.
We meet you at the airport, accommodate you and acquitance you with local area and local people.
We organize lots of parties, trips and other fun activities to help you find friends from all over the globe.
Contact us
Feel free to write and call us. Become a part of international student network. We are here for you.
+420 777 979 444
Holeckova 3362/53,
150 00 Prague,
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